Unique Flip CardsImpress your CustomersPromote Your Business
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Unique Flip CardsImpress your CustomersPromote Your Business
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How it works?
When you pull the tab each of the cards will flip up and when you push the tab back the cards will go back into position. Cards in motion that can tell a story or just promote a product in a funny way.

A Flip Card Is:
- Ideal for Hotels, Casinos, Beauty Salons, Galleries, Exhibitions, Car Rental Business, Estate Business
- Creative
- Innovative
- Great tool that allows you to present your product to the audience
- A clever little marketing tool
Why Flip Card?
- Unique design
- Give information in a smart way
- Grab customers’ attention
- Impress everyone
- Promote your brand in fresh new way

Explore Our Flip Cards
Unique Flip Cards | Impress your Customers | Promote your Business